Confined Spaces Training Courses
Confined Spaces Training Courses

Low Risk
Low Risk
How to work safely in low risk confined spaces, in which there is adequate natural or mechanical ventilation, where access appears simple and unobstructed, and there is no likely risk of flooding (for example meter pits, valve chambers and stairwells.) NPORS Approved.Centre
- Duration - 1 day
- Assessment - written and practical
- Instructor/candidate ratio - 1:8
- Award alignment - aligns with the Working in Low Risk Confined Spaces national standards, NPORS N702
- Accreditation - Plant and Safety certificate or NPORS N702L certification
- Lifespan - 3 years / 5 years

Medium Risk
Medium Risk
How to work safely in medium risk confined spaces, in which there is a realistic expectation of encountering a specified risk, including possible introduction of a specified risk during work activity. It involves working as part of a team and requires use of access equipment, environmental monitoring and escape breathing apparatus.
Also includes Medium Risk Top Man/Woman Non-Entrant.
NPORS Approved Centre.
- Duration - 2 days
- Assessment - written and practical
- Instructor/candidate ratio - 1:8
- Award alignment – Medium Risk aligns with Working in Medium Risk Confined Spaces national standards. NPORS N702
- Accreditation - Plant and Safety certificate or NPORS N702M
- Lifespan - 3 years/5 years

High Risk
High Risk
How to work safely in high risk confined spaces when a specified risk cannot be eliminated or controlled to an acceptable level, and when respiratory protection (breathing apparatus) is required. Candidates will experience an environment containing one or more of the specified risks (fire / explosion; loss of consciousness from an increase in body temperature; loss of consciousness or asphyxiation from gas, fume, vapour or lack of oxygen; drowning from an increase in the level of liquid and asphyxiation of any person from a free flowing solid). Entry to the confined space may involve complex entry procedures. It will entail the use of breathing apparatus.
- Duration – 3 days
- Assessment - written and practical
- Instructor/candidate ratio – 1:8
- Award alignment - aligns with Working in High Risk Confined Spaces national standards
- Accreditation- Plant and safety certificate or NPORS N702HR
- Lifespan – 3 years / 5 years